Бахревский Владислав Анатольевич

Бахревский Владислав Анатольевич
Год получения премии: 

Владислав Анатольевич Бахревский родился 15 августа 1936 года в Воронеже в семье лесничего. Семья много кочевала: Горьковская область, Рязанщина – позже в эти лесные места писатель поселит героев своих книг, таких же мальчишек, каким был сам. Детство, проведённое в лесу, жизнь на лоне природы во многом определили характер и судьбу будущего мастера слова, его любовь к Родине и её истории, умение видеть большое в малом, чувствовать и понимать красоту родного края.

В 1948 году Бахревские остались в подмосковном Орехово-Зуево, где Владислав окончил школу, а затем литфак Орехово-Зуевского пединститута. Именно в Орехово-Зуево сформировался самобытный талант писателя, здесь, на литфаке пединститута, Владислав Бахревский руководил созданным им литературным кружком, а впоследствии возглавлял городское литературное объединение, из которого вышли такие талантливые авторы, как Николай Дмитриев, Аркадий Кошелев, Фёдор Камалов и другие.

В 1960 году вышла первая повесть писателя – «Мальчик с Весёлого».

В 1967 году Бахревский был принят в Союз писателей СССР. За долгие годы литературного труда им было создано более ста книг как для взрослых, так и для детей. Это повести о военном и послевоенном детстве, исторические романы, рассказы, сказки, миниатюры, стихотворения. Многие из них переведены на иностранные языки и изданы за рубежом.

С 1975 г. по 1986 г. Владислав Анатольевич жил в Евпатории и многие книги написал именно здесь. После переезда в Подмосковье Владислав Анатольевич продолжает каждое лето приезжать на отдых в Евпаторию.

Член содружества русских, украинских и белорусских писателей с 1991 г.

За заслуги в области художественной литературы В. А. Бахревский был удостоен Пушкинской премии, наград Союза писателей России, звания «Заслуженный деятель искусств Республики Крым», стал лауреатом литературной премии им. Александра Грина, премии Александра Невского. Номинант Патриаршей литературной премии.


  • За заслуги в области художественной литературы В. А. Бахревский был удостоен Пушкинской премии, наград Союза писателей России, звания «Заслуженный деятель искусств Республики Крым», стал лауреатом литературной премии им. Александра Грина, премии имени В. П. Крапивина, премии Александра Невского. Номинант Патриаршей литературной премии. Лауреат литературной премии журнала "Север".


Vladislav Anatolyevich Bakhrevsky

Vladislav Anatolyevich Bakhrevsky was born on August 15, 1936 in Voronezh in the family of a forester.

His family moved several times: they lived in the Gorky region, Ryazan region – later in these forest places the writer will settle the heroes of his books, the same boys as he was.

The future writer spent his childhood in the Ryazan region, adolescence and youth – in the village of Saburovo near Krasnogorsk, in the village of Golikivo near the Skhodnya station and in Orekhovo-Zuev. As a child, Bakhrevsky spent a lot of time in nature, which largely determined his character and fate, his love for his homeland and history.

In Orekhovo-Zuev, the writer graduated from school, and then from the Faculty of Language and Literature of the higher educational institution of the Pedagogical Institute.

After graduating from the institute, Vladislav Anatolyevich Bakhrevsky went to Orenburg region, where he worked as a correspondent for a regional newspaper. In Moscow, he collaborated with the magazine "Pioneer", "Literary Newspaper".

The first book "The Boy from the Merry" was published in 1960. The story was autobiographical and immediately established the author as a fine connoisseur of the child's soul.

In 1967, Bakhrevsky was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR. Since 1975, Bakhrevsky traveled a lot around the country, collecting material for his books.

For many years of literary work, he has created more than a hundred books for both adults and children. These are stories about military and post-war childhood, historical novels, short stories, fairy tales, miniatures, poems. Many of them have been translated into foreign languages and published abroad.More than one generation of Soviet children grew up on the books of this writer. His works teach to distinguish good from evil, to act honestly regardless of circumstances.

Such historical novels as "The Quietest" (about Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich), "Nikon", "Viktor Vasnetsov", "The Long Way to Yourself", "Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky, the autocrat of All Russia", which make up the cycle, where the writer explores the key, turning points of Russian history, writes about the origins of the Russian national character, which remained unchanged. From generation to generation, Russian people passed on such qualities as loyalty to the Motherland, patience, fortitude and the desire for moral improvement.

Bahrevsky himself often calls himself a poet in prose and even considers his surname to be saying: "bahar" is an old Russian word that goes back to the verb "bayat" – "to tell, to sing", that is, "bahar" is a singer-storyteller. This is what the writer most often does in his books.

Bahrevsky's works were highly appreciated by critics. For his services in the field of fiction, he was awarded the Pushkin Prize, became a laureate of the Alexander Green Literary Prize. He takes an active part in creative and social life, is a member of the jury of various literary competitions, often speaks to the readership.

Despite the All-Russian recognition, Bakhrevsky is still closely connected with Orekhovo-Zuyevo – the city in which he grew up and to which he gave a considerable part of his soul and creative forces. The Orekhovo-Zuevskaya theme is heard in many of the writer's works – the novella "Morozov Strike", the play "The Hungry Campaign", the story "Mishka Ilyich".

Since 2001 and to this day Vladislav Anatolyevich Bakhrevsky has been the head of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky literary association "Osnova".

As the head of the association, he did a lot: thanks to his support, the population of Orekhovo-Zuyevo had the opportunity to publish their works in various newspapers and magazines.

In 2015, the writer decided to implement a project useful for current children and their parents – the creation of a society that will protect the best traditions of Russian literature for children, protect the Russian folk tale itself. On the initiative of Bakhrevsky, the interregional Society of the Keepers of the Russian Fairy Tale was created and operates.

His fairy tales "Zlatoborye", "365 miracles a year" and others are an imprinted miracle of images of folk and author's fantasy, our rarest nature on the planet, which for some reason is called modest, discreet. And most importantly, the language. The language of fairy tales is the manifest wealth of the Russian heart and soul.

Bahrevsky believed that books should work, that they contain a lot of what our time needs, necessary for spiritual life. In historical novels, he was not an informant. His reader discovers in himself the current inhabitant of a truly great, truly beloved country. The responder for this people, for this land, awakens in him.

As a child, Vladislav Anatolyevich Bakhrevsky dreamed of a fairy-tale terem, in which he wanted to collect all the fairy-tale heroes, animals, frogs and birds that he loved. And he understood that the terem-teremok is just our Russian land, our amazing planet.

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